I'm finishing SERIAL QUILLER 3. Beginning SERIAL QUILLER 4.
Smashwords – Read An Ebook Week was a success. I plan to use coupons more often (instead of pricing my stories at 99 cents).
Barnes & Noble – Almost 3,000 copies of my Free Preview books (BAD MOJO, A SIMPLE PLAN, A BURNING DESIRE) have been downloaded on Nook. Readers are now buying the novels. Awesome.
Amazon – On the first of April I'll upload GAR to all venues.
Last year was very stressful. Very. This year I'm slowing down. After all, I'm living on Island Time, y'know. PiƱa colada in the hand. Bare feet in the sand. Add the excitement of seeing my sales ranking go UP for a change, and I am (almost) at peace with the world.